Check out my 5 star reviews and transformations

"Working with Julie was one of the best decisions i made regarding my health. I was struggling with mental health issues that were also affecting my eating habits. I caught myself eating one meal a day and being proud of it, because i thought thats what will give me the instagram model figure. I felt like I could share anything with her, because I knew i will not get told off, she would only give me advice, encourage me and say, “you’ll try tomorrow again and you’ll get there”. If you’re a beginner and know you need a little kick in your fitness journey, she is your person for sure!:)"

“Julie has the most amazing content! I found her at a time where I felt I plateaued, food was the enemy, and binging. In following her, she answered ALL questions that I had, she taught me that food was my friend and I haven’t binged since following her. I also love how relatable she is, for example, if she isn’t feeling the gym then she doesn’t go! She’s the most real account I have found. It’s amazing how free I feel now that I know food isn’t the enemy. Finding her was truly life changing!!”

“Julie has the most amazing content! I found her at a time where I felt I plateaued, food was the enemy, and binging. In following her, she answered ALL questions that I had, she taught me that food was my friend and I haven’t binged since following her. I also love how relatable she is, for example, if she isn’t feeling the gym then she doesn’t go! She’s the most real account I have found. It’s amazing how free I feel now that I know food isn’t the enemy. Finding her was truly life changing!!”

“Julie, thank you so much, for everything. After a week like last week, honestly, if I hadn’t worked with you I don’t think I would’ve jumped back to my routine. You deserve to know that you are a special and unique online coach, and you really do make a difference by helping people like me (who have yo-yo's their way through fitness many times) to stick to something concrete. If I know anyone who is looking for a coach, I will 100% send them to you 🤍. Thank you for everything!”

"Working with Julie was one of the best decisions i made regarding my health. I was struggling with mental health issues that were also affecting my eating habits. I caught myself eating one meal a day and being proud of it, because i thought thats what will give me the instagram model figure. I felt like I could share anything with her, because I knew i will not get told off, she would only give me advice, encourage me and say, “you’ll try tomorrow again and you’ll get there”. If you’re a beginner and know you need a little kick in your fitness journey, she is your person for sure!:)"

"BIG WIN! I can honestly say I love working out. It's not a punishment or something I have to do. I do it because I love it! I am thankful I can do this! Thank you so much for helping me change my thoughts surrounding working out and food! YOU DA BEST!!"

"I was ready to take my health and fitness goals to the next level when I came across Julie. I instantly connected with her and her positive, uplifting spirit. She assembled a personalized plan that allowed me to reach goals I didn’t think were attainable. I not only have grown physically stronger, but have also gained powerful knowledge that I’ll use for many years to come. I’m so thankful for Julie and can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today without her.💕"

"My experience training with Julie helped me to become more confident in the gym and reach my goals. Julie made sure to keep in contact with me and make sure I stayed on track throughout the week. At the beginning of each week she prepared a full week of workouts for me and she also helped me prepare my meals for the week. Julie is a great trainer and can help anyone reach their goals!"

“Thank you! I feel great. I am so proud of sticking with my nutrition. I can’t tell you how happy I am because before I would keep MFP updated and then just eat like crap, but something really clicked this is me and I am stoked. I can’t wait for Monday, either! I am proud of myself!”
“You are amazing! I know that I am still in the reverse diet phase and I haven't lost a lot of weight yet. But I see my body recounting so much and I never thought that it would happen with me eating more food. You have literally change the way I look at my fitness journey forever so I'm so happy that you're my coach 😭❤️ ❤️”
“There are these two girls who are absolutely SHREDDED who work out at my Lifetime and give off bad bitch. energy and are just all around slightly intimidating 😂 This week I wore my new Alphalete set to the gym and one of the girls has the exact same sports bra on. She came over to me and complimented me on it and we had a really nice little convo! I'm feeling even more comfortable in my gym now because all of us who go so often recognize one another and have a nice little sense of community. i haven't been this comfortable in my gym in years!”
“Just letting you know you're the BEST Coach 😉Seriously, I have NEVER stuck with something consistently for this long and I feel AMAZING!!!!”
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